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Man with Book


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Characters: Work

Arden of Faerina

The Three Descendants

Arden is the lead of the main characters in the Daughter of Poseiden. She is betrothed to and kidnapped by Prince Nels of Mea. She has long curly black hair and a turquoise tail with eyes to match. She is fierce but has a weakness to compulsion spells.

Scuba Diver and Corals
Brass Door Handle

Malachy of Faerina

The Three Descendants

Malchy is betrothed to the younger of the three Mea Princes, Lachlan. She thinks of Lachlan as a brother due to growing up with him when her family lived in Mea. She has a skill for creating and inventing but will often be careless. Malachy has a red tail with copper pixie cut hair and grey eyes.

Clodagh of Faerina

The Three Descendants

Clodagh is the most academically smart of the three friends and discovered aerogel, granting her a discovery prize. She is betrothed to Prince Glen whom she loathes. Clodagh has wavy auburn hair and green eyes with a greyish black tail. She is very protective of her friends.

DNA Strand_edited.jpg
Archery Arrows

Maddalena Milés


Maddalena is a both a posh noble and a fierce warrior. She believes in justice and is strongly anti-war, despite her relatives' opinions. She is particularly skilled with a bow. Through meeting Aleksandra at a ball she becomes friends with the daughter of a family enemy. She has hip-length coffee coloured hair with blue eyes and dark tan skin.

Aleksandra Brask


Aleksandra is both the girl with the scarred hands, and the girl who always has a witty response. She is outgoing, daring, and courageous. She grew up as a noble until her family discovered she was immune to poison. She trained as an assassin. Her hair is black and cut short and she has grey eyes.

Sleeping Ginger Cat
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